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Get paid on time and with precision accuracy for actual work performed. Increase communication between all parties.


AES/32 For Contractors

Designed to Provide Equal Value to Users and Contractors

Up-To-Date Information

Rely on centralized documentation linked to orders (e.g., Contracts, ISO drawings). Use real time updates of order details, enabling better resource planning and adjustments.

Contract Compliance

Reduce billing errors through the standardization of complex cost structures. Improve service completion approval cycle time by automating billing validation. Increase contract compliance through linking contracts, work orders, time sheets, invoices, and payments.

Data Quality

Eliminate dispute when the same data set is used by all parties. Seamless integration of data transfer between client and contractor data.

Dynamic Reporting

Analyze data like you need it: spending trends, resource utilization, cost saving opportunities using dynamic reports. Create personalized reports through self-service reporting capabilities.​ Reduce manual effort in report creation by creating scheduled reports pushed to management.

Equipped For Success

equipped for success

5,000+ successful deployments with companies like you.

AES/32 is a cloud-based platform for labour and service procurement enabling clients and suppliers to seamlessly collaborate throughout all stages of project planning to payment for asset intensive operations.

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